AEOS er en fremtidssikker platform

"AEOS er en fremtidssikker platform, stærk på ADK-delen, og ligeledes et system, der er velafprøvet på markedet. Derudover er der mange integrationer til AEOS, hvilket støtter godt op omkring den digitaliseringsrejse Grundfos er på

Martin Hjørnholm Andersen, Group Security Manager hos Grundfos Holding A/S.

Den hurtigste adgangskontrol findes på Vejle Erhvervshavn

Med BroBizz som adgangskontrol på havnen får vores kunder mulighed for smidigt at køre ind og ud uden at standse. Kunderne undgår ventetid, og havnen opnår besparelser på drift og mulighed for at øge kapaciteten

Knud Vang Nielsen, Havnedirektør på Vejle Havn.

Ruten til standardiseret global sikkerhed hos Danfoss

"Hvis du leder efter en global partner, er Nedap det bedste valg. Hvis jeg ser på andre, lignende virksomheder og deres udfordringer, kan jeg sige, at jeg er bedre stillet."

Fritz Lorentzen, Senior Security Consultant Danfoss

Improved processes for authorisation management at PostNord

"Both Vitani and Nedap are always prepared to support us in determing the best suitable solution, which is a major benefit."

Jonas Kaufeldt, Security Specialist PostNord 

Et krav om højere sikkerhed hos Moesgaard Museum

"Jeg mener i høj grad at Nedap AEOS er det optimale system, når man skal administrere og vedligeholde et stort sikringsanlæg."

Mikkel Berg Thorsager, Teknik- og Sikringschef Moesgaard Museum

En fremtidssikring af SOSU Aarhus

"Det var vigtigt for os at et nyt anlæg ikke satte nogle fremtidige begrænsninger eller låste os senere i valget af servicefirmaer og vagtselskaber.

Bo Munk-Hansen, Pedel SOSU Aarhus

Reno Djurs optimerer deponeringsanlæg

"Vi har i dag et 'gennemsigtigt' vejesystem, hvor vi med stor lethed kan gennemskue ' hvem har gjort hvad og hvornår'. Dermed er vores overblik og sikkerhed for korrekt indvejning steget markant."
Jan Krüger Bodholdt, Økonomichef Reno Djurs I/S

Improved processes for authorisation management

PostNord offers communication and logistics solutions to, from and within the Nordic region. In 2013, PostNord had sales of approximately SEK 40 billion and 39,000 employees. The company serves her customers under the brands Posten, Post Danmark, PostNord Logistics and Strålfors. The parent company is a Swedish public company headquartered in Solna, Sweden.

PostNord needs to ensure that only the right people get access to each of their 1,500 branches. Thanks to AEOS they can now manage authorisations centrally and have reduced administration time dramatically.

“In the past, there were hundreds of disparate servers with databases linked to more than 30 physical access control systems of different manufacturers. The databases became polluted as employees joined and left the company. Someone’s authorisations may have been removed in one of the systems, but remained elsewhere. Due to this patchwork of systems, we were no longer effective in our administration processes.
We wanted to improve PostNord’s processes for authorisation management. By investing in a central security platform, we were able to save a substantial amount of time and money.”
Says Jonas Kaufeldt Security Specialist, PostNord

One central security platform
In 2009, the Danish and Swedish postal companies merged to become PostNord, which is still owned by both states and also serves the rest of the Nordic region. Before the merger, each of the 1,500 branches had its own building manager who had freedom of choice in purchasing access control systems. They also managed access rights locally and distributed access cards accordingly. As a consequence, truck drivers who visit 15 different branches picking up deliveries daily, needed to file an access request at each branch separately. This was very time consuming and truck drivers furthermore had to carry separate access badges for each branch. PostNord Group Security found it was time for a major reorganisation.
Jonas Kaufeldt, member of the project team explains: ‘In the past, there were hundreds of disparate servers with databases linked to more than 30 physical access control systems of different manufacturers. The databases became polluted as employees joined and left the company. Someone’s authorisations may have been removed in one of the systems, but remained elsewhere. Due to this patchwork of systems, we were no longer effective in our administration processes. Soon after the merger, we started a migration path to optimise workflow. We wantedto improve PostNord’s processes for authorisation management. By investing in a central security platform, we were able to save a substantial amount of time and money.

Both Vitani and Nedap are always prepared to support us in determining the best suitable solution, which is a major benefit.
Says Jonas Kaufeldt Security Specialist, PostNord

Every branch is connected
As the project is known as one of the greatest access control migrations in the Nordic region history, the question arises what the consequences for the system are.
Jonas says: ‘PostNord sought an open access control system to integrate various systems. We wanted something that could link with our central SAP HR system, from which the personal data of our 39,000 employees and 40,000 contractors and other temporary staff is managed. We opted for Nedap’s AEOS in combination with Vitani’s Data Manager, because it’s an innovative solution that fulfills project objectives scalability and flexibility. Vitani is Nedap’s certified business partner in Scandinavia, and they integrated both aforementioned solutions into our existing IT architecture. Both companies are always prepared to support us in determining the best suitable solution, which is a major benefit.

When asked about the role of these systems, Jonas replies: ‘We’ve been able to replace hundreds of different servers with one central server, which connects with over thirty legacy access control systems installed in our branch offices. This offers PostNord the major advantage of being able to connect all branch offices to one central database, while retaining the ability to delegate responsibility for authorisations to lower-level security management layers. For our truck driver, this has the advantage that he can now file one single access request for all applicable locations via the service catalogue, a central self-service web based application. The building manager must approve it by performing one mouse click, after which access badges with the correct authorisations are printed centrally. This not only saves our staff a lot of time, but us too.

Prepared for the future
With AEOS, PostNord can now continue to work with different types of access control systems as long as they need to. Furthermore,  AEOS can easily integrate other functions such as wireless access control, video management, visitor management, card production, HVAC and more. This can be determined by the requirements of each local operation. As PostNord is continually investing in its buildings and locations in Sweden, Denmark and abroad, they needed a system that can grow. PostNord can trust AEOS to take care of its legacy
systems now and in the future. If one of the legacy systems stops functioning properly, AEOS hardware can take over in the next smooth step of the migration process.

If one of the legacy systems stops functioning properly, AEOS hardware can take over in the next smooth step of the migration process.
Says Jonas Kaufeldt Security Specialist, PostNord

Kort fortalt

  • PostNord needs to ensure that only the right people get access to each of their 1,500 branches. Thanks to AEOS they can now manage authorisations centrally and have reduced administration time dramatically.
  • PostNord wanted to improve PostNord’s processes for authorisation management. By investing in a central security platform, they were able to save a substantial amount of time and money.
  • Before PostNord had hundreds of disparate servers with databases linked to more than 30 physical access control systems of
    different manufacturers. Therefore they startede migration path to optimise workflow and with AEOS, PostNord can now continue to work with different types of access control systems as long as they need to.
  • The project is known as one of the greatest access control migrations in the Nordic region history.